BUFFALO — “Party with a Purpose” will held this Friday from 8 p.m. until Midnight at Buffalo Red Cross headquarters, 786 Delaware Avenue, as part of the 18th Annual BASH.
Attendees will sample food and drink from some of the area’s best restaurants, and dance to music by DJ Dovey and a live performance by Orchard Park native and national recording artist, Caitlin Koch.
Available at auction will be vacations, original works of art, jewelry and more, and all proceeds from this military-themed event support Red Cross services in Western New York.
Attendance at 2015’s BASH was estimated at 4,000, with approximately $300,000 raised.
General admission tickets are $75, or two-for-$125, and include two free drink tickets and all the delicious local food you can eat.
Tickets are still available from the Red Cross website or at this year’s “official” BASH outfitters, Paratrooper Army Navy in Williamsville.