High winds throughout Western New York continue to do property damage and snap power lines.
At least four tractor-trailer rollovers have been reported by area law enforcement. The New York State Thruway Authority just announced that empty tractor-trailers are banned from the I-90 between exits 45 and 61 in both directions.
EMPTY TRAILER BAN I-90 EB/WB EXIT 45-61 & I-190 NB/SB Due to high winds, empty trailers are banned both directions Exit 45-61 I-90 & I-190— NYSThruwayTRANSalert (@ThruwayTraffic) March 8, 2017
The Skyway also remains closed until 7 p.m.
The Erie County Sheriff’s Office reports that it is currently dealing with 40 weather-related calls with another 24 waiting once the earlier calls are cleared.
As of 3:49 p.m., more than 77,000 Western New Yorkers are without power.