NEW YORK — Today is the only primary day for New York voters this year. Previously, there were two primary days, one for federal elections in June and one for state elections in September. In January, the Let NY Vote coalition joined New York lawmakers to pass sweeping election reforms, including consolidation of primaries. New York previously was the only state with two separate primaries.
“One primary day for New Yorkers means less confusion at the polls,” said Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY. “The Let NY Vote Coalition fought hard to streamline elections — and unlike before, the primary election won’t come again this year so make it count!”
The consolidation of primary days is just one of the many victories the Let NY Vote coalition had this legislative session including early voting and funding for it, as well as pre-registration of 16 and 17 year olds.
Let NY Vote’s full list of wins in the 2019 legislative session:
- Early Voting (enacted into law): in place in 37 other states and now New York, allowing citizens to cast ballots in person days, sometimes weeks, before an election.
- Pre-registration of 16 and 17-year-olds (enacted into law): 13 states plus DC allow for pre-registration for voting at 16 and 17 years old. Pre-registration increases the likelihood of voter participation among young adults. Engaging potential voters at a young age and bringing them into the voting process early helps create lifelong voters.
- Consolidation of Primary Dates (enacted into law): Previously New York had two primary days in June and September, confusing voters. New York was the only state with two primaries.
- Vote by mail (passed in leg, requires constitutional amendment): No eligible voter should have to provide a reason to be able to vote absentee.
- Same day registration (passed in leg, requires constitutional amendment): 18 states and DC have Same Day Registration. Same Day Registration enables voters to register and vote at the same time and increases voter turnout.
- Flexibility to Change Party Affiliation (passed, Gov will sign into law): New York had the most restrictive deadline in the country, locking out hundreds of thousands of voters during the primaries. The change of party deadline has been cut in half, a distinct improvement.