NEW YORK — In response to the firing of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara on Saturday, Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY, released the following statement:
“The firing of Preet Bharara as US Attorney for the Southern District of New York is a stark setback for the fight against corruption, particularly public corruption, in New York. He clearly and consistently stood up for a vision of what our democracy should and can be, setting the bar high for citizens and even higher for those privileged enough to serve them in public office. He has taken on seemingly impenetrable political corruption in pursuit of justice for New Yorkers, who deserve his continued leadership. As US Attorney, Bharara was consistently – and unusually – independent and apolitical, ready to investigate and prosecute corrupt public officials regardless of their positions of power or party affiliation. While presidents often replace U.S. Attorneys, it is troubling that Bharara was dismissed one week after being asked publicly to look into violations of the Emoluments Clause by the President. This is a huge loss but to quote the man himself we will ‘stay tuned’.”