CASTILE — Law enforcement teams are offering their sympathies to the family of two juvenile boys who died after going over the Lower Falls at Letchworth State Park into the Genesee River.
Late Tuesday afternoon, an Underwater Recovery Team from the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office and the State Police located and recovered nine-year-old Dylan Giangregorio from the Genesee River. Sunday, Dylan’s six-year-old brother Preston Giangregorio was recovered from the same river, a victim of the same accident. ,
The juvenile boys were two of seven people who went over the falls Saturday night. They were removed from the scene and transported to the Monroe County Medical Examiner’s Office. The five others in the accident — who police have not named — had all been transported to Strong Memorial Hospital with injuries varying from serious to minor.
“Law enforcement and emergency responders involved in this tragic accident worked diligently to locate the victims, and offer their sympathies to the family and friends of Dylan and his brother Preston,” said the New York State Police via press release.
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