WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins released a statement this morning in regards to the Thursday night shooting deaths of Dallas Police officers.

Higgins said the shootings “only serve to underscore our country’s need to change the tone and tenor of public and private discourse to one of tolerance and acceptance.”

Higgins’ statement follows in its entirety:

The escalating occurrences of innocent people being killed must be inspiration for unity and action.   Families and communities are grieving.  We as a country grieve with them because we know in our minds and feel in our hearts that this nation, the United States of America, is so much better than the horrifying events we’ve witnessed in recent days, weeks and months. The violent attacks on police officers in Dallas last evening only serve to underscore our country’s need to change the tone and tenor of public and private discourse to one of tolerance and acceptance. Law abiding citizens should not be made to feel threatened by authorities and police should not come under fire by weapons of war.

“With each moment that we sit idle, we risk seeing more fathers and mothers, daughters and sons, never return home to their families. The lives lost and tears shed must be motivation to turn pain into purpose. We must be driven to listen, to act and to embrace one another. The solutions lie in the thoughtful coming together of hearts and minds.”  

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