BARKER — Lions Club District Governor John Haak was the guest speak Wednesday at the season’s opening meeting of the Barker Lions Club.
Introduced by Zone Chair Tom Watt, Haak highlighted the International President’s goals, as well as his own. On a global level, Lions continue to have four areas of concern: vision, youth,
environment and hunger.
Created as Helen Keller’s Knights of the Blind, aiding those with visual challenges is at the heart of the organization. Promoting youth involvement in the community is another goal. A few years
ago, Lions had a goal of planting a million trees. Fostering that sense of preserving the environment is another core value. Alleviateing hunger is the fourth pillar of the International goals.
Haak’s personal theme for the year was in full display — as a button on his shirt. The stop sign button was meant to remind members to “stop and ask” questions like: Are there those in our communities who need help? Are some club programs doing well? Are there activities
that need a boost?
He also explained that as he visits clubs, he would like us to remember that Lions Clubs have four ships. Membership, leadership, partnership and fellowship.
This is the Centennial year for Lions International with each club being being asked to do a project to celebrate. Haak suggested the club choose a legacy project, something that would last into the future such as a park or playground. Barker Lions will be doing a partnership program with Newfane and Wilson Lions. This spring, they will hold a murder mystery dinner fundraiser for the Olmstead Eye Center.
Following his presentation, Barker Lions President Chris Czelusta explained two of his goals for the year. He would like to see visitors at our dinner meetings. To encourage that, he will purchase dinner for any Barker Lion who brings a guest. Secondly, he created a cabinet of advisors. When a situation arises that he needs advise, he’d like to depend on four Lions to help. Czelusta put the names of past presidents of the club in a hat and drew four. Fran Costello, Art Harris, Mike Feltz and Kent Wakefield, who all agreed to be the inaugural cabinet.
Lion Mike Feltz reminded the group that their next chicken barbecue will be at the Somerset Days on Sept. 18. All members will be needed to cook, serve or clean up. There wil be some Barker High School students participating as part of their community service requirement. Volunteers from the community are welcome.
Meeting at 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month, meetings incude dinner and speaker. For more information about Barker Lions and its projects, go to To become involved in one of their projects, to speak at a meeting or to be a guest at a meeting, call 716-778-7001 or email