The Kenmore Village Improvement Society kicks off the Franco’s Pizza Children’s Concert Series at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday,  July 11, on the lawn of Kenmore Middle School, 155 Delaware Road. The free concert series will run on four consecutive  Tuesdays between July 11 and Aug. 1. The first 100 children at the first concert will receive a free gift. Dinner, beverages, and desserts will be offered at family-friendly prices. Attendees are asked to bring lawn chairs or blankets. The con certs are canceled if raining. Check the KVIS main Facebook page at for concert updates. 

“We are so excited to start the twelfth season of our Franco’s Pizza Children’s Concert Series,” KVIS President Melissa  Foster said. “We’re very grateful to all our naming sponsor, Franco’s Pizza, for their support since the very first year – we  couldn’t do this series without them and our other wonderful sponsors. We thank them heartily for their continued gener osity and love of our community.”  

The exciting schedule is: 

  • July 11: The Frankfurters  
  • July 18: Erie County Wind Ensemble  
  • July 25: Caribbean Extravaganza  
  • August 1: Creekbend 

The KVIS concert series is sponsored by Franco’s Pizza, Kenmore Mercy Hospital, Watson’s Chocolates, Colvin Clean ers, Kenmore Tonawanda School USFD, Legislator Michael Kooshoian, NAS Signs,, Kenmore United  Methodist Church. 

The KVIS is a group of volunteers celebrating 15 years of serving the community. We strive to help make our neck of  the woods as good as possible in as many ways as needed. Membership to the KVIS is free and open to all people living anywhere who care about Kenmore.  For more information, please contact KVIS President Melissa Foster at