Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said via a statement today that he will not be issuing an executive order declaring an emergency on the issue of downstate immigrants being moved to Western New York.
“I won’t be declaring a state of emergency regarding the possibility that legal asylum seekers may be housed in our county. I will not be issuing an emergency order prohibiting the housing of such persons. Not only is such an order illegal, it is morally repugnant,” Poloncarz said on Twitter.
The county executive attached an image to the post with his full statement, which follows in its entirety:
“A number of New York counties have recently declared states of emergencies regarding the possibility that asylum seekers – persons legally in our country – could be placed in their counties. Some have even issued emergency orders making it illegal to do so and attempt to invalidate any private contract to house these immigrants in hotels.”
“Buffalo and Erie County have always been welcoming communities to immigrants. During the past decade, we have successfully assimilated thousands of immigrants into our community, many refugees from despotic lands. This is one reason for the rebirth of many previously down-trodden neighborhoods in Buffalo.”
“Unless you are a Native American, all of us are the descendants of immigrants, some of who were forced to come through slavery. You would think that the sons and daughters of immigrants would welcome new peoples to our land. However, the history of our country is replete with xenophobic attacks against immigrants who don’t look, speak, or pray like us.”
“During each wave of immigration our ancestors were excoriated because of where they came from, the color of their skin, their native language, and so on. Excuses were made for the attacks, but none of them ever justified the hateful discriminatory nature of what was being done to the ‘new’ Americans.”
“One year ago, a white supremacist came to our community to kill as many African-Americans solely because of the color of their skin. He was allegedly radicalized because of what he read on social media.”
“Words matter. The acts of leader matter.”
“As county executive, I will not be declaring a state of emergency regarding the possibility that legal asylum seekers may be housed in our county.”
“Furthermore, I will not be issuing an emergency order prohibiting the housing of legal asylum seekers in our community. Not only is such an order illegal under Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it is morally repugnant.”
“Yesterday, I attended an event in the Southern Tier of New York. While in Owego in Tioga County, I came across a banner in front of an Episcopal Church that perfectly says what many of you need to hear:”
“Love your neighbor who doesn’t look like you, think like you, love like you, speak like you, pray like you, vote like you. Love your Neighbor. No exceptions.”
That’s a perfect thought for all that comes directly from chapter 22, verse 39 of the Book of Matthew: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”