February 8th the web site turned 4 years old! We’ve come a long way with 8,000+ followers even with life getting in the way we’ve managed to still put out articles and do our thing. Recently we added two contributors one making it to editor already! We have some fun plans for the website so stay tuned on that shortly, trust me. I apologize for the delay with two projects in the works musically, and work being shorthanded our timing was off a few weeks this year in 2022.

Now for the biggest reason why we do this…..we are going a month long until mid to late March helping out the Erie County SPCA. Personally, my wife and I lost our oldest cat (Harley, 17) this year unexpectedly even if we knew he was going. The way was tragic and rather not get descriptive about it, and had to put down his adopted brother (adopted out together) last year. We also adopted two more at the end of 2021, a kitten and 1 year old now to 5 cats at the Jurenovich household.

Animals are great, and that’s why we love our pets until the end. As usual we celebrate with donations to our chosen charity or organization of choice. A donation will be made in the name of the website, and individual donations are welcome that all gets funneled together. You can check out the links to donate and check out the Erie County SPCA below as well. If you’re local to Western New York go check out the animals they have at their various locations! Your next best friend can be there waiting for you, and you won’t even know it….or a few friends, like we have!

All WNY is made possible thanks to coffee and sleep deprivation.
We appreciate your readership. We like money, too.