On March 30, 2020, SP Olean Troopers arrested Jessica A. Landroche, 43, of Franklinville, NY for Driving While Intoxicated – Two Previous Convictions in Past Ten Years, Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle 1st Degree, and Circumventing an Interlock Device.
Troopers investigating a one-car accident on State Route 16 in the town of Allegany in which a vehicle struck a home determined Landroche had been operating a vehicle while in an intoxicated condition. She failed standardized field sobriety tests at the scene. Landroche was then arrested and transported to SP Olean, where she refused to submit to a chemical breath test.
Landroche was arraigned in Allegany Town Court, where she was released on her own recognizance. She is due to reappear in that court in May.