PANAMA — The Panama residents were charged with various drug charges following a Sunday traffic stop on Route 474.

According to New York State Police, Charles Cummins was pulled over for using a cell phone. Subsequent investigation revealed that the vehicle didn’t have insurance and that there was crystal methamphetamine, Suboxone and a hypodermic needle containing drug residue inside the vehicle.  All three subjects were placed under arrest and transported to SP Jamestown where they were processed. 

Kenneth Houghwot, 36, and Bruce Houghwot, 39, were charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. They were issued appearance tickets and released, to appear in the town of Harmony Court next month. After processing, Cummins was transported to the Chautauqua County Jail where he was held, pending arraignmen on two counts of seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance and criminally possessing a hypodermic instrument.