Try Something New Thursday is back for another weekly edition of bands to check out! For the people that aren’t familiar with it, check out our previous articles of this series right here. Since we launched this weekly article earlier this year, we haven’t done a theme yet but today we are breaking that trend. We are sharing a couple great Canadian bands our followers *may not* know of, and if you do you’re stealthy…..and ahead of the game. Kick back with a Molson Canadian and enjoy this 4 pack!
Recently at the Warehouse in St. Catahrines I caught these sexy death metal slingers opening up for another great tech outfit (first time for First Fragment) recently for Beyond Creation. I dug them the first time over the winter at the FF show but really bonded with their music since I saw them at the end of last year. They groove a ton, with some sweet guitar licks for good measure to keep your ears engaged. They’re a mix of classic and new death metal, and just as ferocious. Check out their 2013 EP below for confirmation.
Maybe I really dug the locals that opened that First Fragment show. Unbowed was also on the same bill as Eaten By Sharks, but with a dramatically different sound. They’re kinda progressive, but add a raw blackened death metal element to their epics. And yes, they also sing… it’s a whirlwind of never-ending musical influences, and like Tom Hank’s box of chocolates you never know what you’re gonna get! Unbowed caught my attention with their stage getup after the music, showing to me they really take their music seriously. Their performance was jaw dropping, raw, and play a good amount of shows…..they’re no jobbers. It’s melodic, heavy, and artistic…..a great combination. They seem to be releasing singles as they’re completed, you can listen to their two newest tracks “The Athem Of I” and “Home” at these links. And you can listen to the latest full length “Through Endless Tides” below as well for good measure.
I’m pretty sure a good amount of our followers are fairly familiar with this great up and coming band. Æpoch kicks serious ass live as much as they do in the studio. This blackened tech death group is a ferocious, relentless and fun band that never lets go the moment they grab you with their devastating music. Last year they released a huge surprise for me (since it was when I discovered the band personally) “Awakening Inception” which impressively forces itself into my personal rotation considering the amount of wild albums 2019 has brought us so far. Brett and Greg (bassist/vocalist and drummer of the band respectively) have gone through a few pairs of guitarists, and admirably keep going on in Æpoch camp. Surprisingly they’re still around as a good amount of bands would have already thrown in the “fuck it” towel. A big reason why I love this band as well is their determination, work ethic and motivation… never seems to run out and they’re still here thankfully. I admire those traits heavily as many bands don’t have those these days. Check out “Awakening Inception” below and go fucking crazy!
Prog rock 4 piece The Sylde concoct influences from the past and present. Their 2018 release “Awakening” was my introduction to the band and was it ever a fun one. We’re talking Rush lite folks. Sweet keyboard work (and yes, even keyboard solos), guitar work and a set of vocals with a great higher range (considering its a male, and guys stereotypically have lower vocal ranges). They rip on every aspect musically, and really churned out quite possibly their best album. Give it a listen below and tell me you’re not impressed. Canada DOES have more to offer than tech/prog death ya know!
Originally published on Technical Music Review. Republished with permission.

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