I got a great opportunity to get to know EDGARD a solo artist with a bluesy/prog/jazz style that isn’t technical but very emotion and feel based…..like Robin Trower. This guy is something else man, check out his music ASAP. Here’s a quick interview and attached are some of his tunes. Enjoy!
TMR: Explain the history of Edgard and what influenced the band name.
As I’m playing my own original music, naturally I decided that the project would be under my own name Edgard.
TMR: I understand you are working on a debut EP. How is recording going? Do you have any news you can share?
I’ve recorded my debut Live EP “EDGARD | Live at Bedrock” at Bedrock LA Studios in Echopark. It was an incredible experience to record 4 original songs of mine, live tracking simultaneously all the parts and capturing the moment’s energy. The EP was mixed and mastered by Arthur Luna and features alongside me Brian Singer on bass, Alex Frizzell on drums and Nathan Lorber on keys.
TMR: What made you want to blend so many sounds? I’ve recently listened to your live EP and it’s really cool! Kinda proggy, bluesy and jazzy…like a modern day Robin Trower.
I’ve always found to write songs in the most distinct styles and vibes. Through different sounds, portray certain emotions. I appreciate the kind words! Yeah.. my own blend of rock, blues and prog. Funny enough, I enjoy very much Robin Trower!
TMR: Who were your favorite artists growing up? And who are some of your favorite bands right now? Any great gems you can recommend?
I’ve alway been extremely inspired by Jimi Hendrix since I was a kid. Derek Trucks is another huge influence of mine. Jeff Beck, Eric Gales, Mark Lettieri, Eric Johnson, Stevie Ray Vaughan… Check out these amazing artists Marcus King Band and Artur Menezes!
TMR: Are you familiar with the Threatin scandal that’s been taking over the internet lately? That’s the guy that booked his own european tour and supposedly self funded it that has been all a lie. Any opinions on this insanity?
Yeah, I’ve heard about it. Unbelievable, I’d say. The whole story is messed up. It kind of reflects on nowadays industry demand on expressive numbers on social media and also practices of generating fake digital audiences being banalized. You never know what’s occurring on the other side, though…
TMR: Are there any upcoming shows for Edgard? I assume there has to be something soon to support your upcoming EP release.
I’ve just came back to Los Angeles from a short 3-week tour supporting my debut Live EP release. I’ve performed 3 shows in Rio de Janeiro, my hometown. First at Dumont Arte Bar in Gávea, then at Ganjah Lapa near downtown and finally at Bar Sobe in Jardim Botânico. I’m currently booking new dates and working on more material.
TMR: What is your favorite piece of gear you currently own? And something you are dying to have?
I believe it’s my electric guitar, LsL Custom Saticoy “Kaleo”. She was custom made for me and it’s a delight to play with.
TMR: How did you get into music? What factors influenced it and did you think you would be doing it as a living rather than just for fun?
I’ve always had music in my life. I’ve picked up the guitar when I was 7 years old and have been developing my own sound ever since. To make music is beyond me. Is my passion, it is who I am. I’d be doing anything different.
TMR: What has been your single most important highlight or event as an artist? And for your band Edgard, as well.
Releasing and performing my own music in my hometown to a packed house with dear friends, family and a warm crowd.
TMR: Your favorite or best show you played? And on the flip side, the worst or most embarrassing show you were a part of?
I’ve performed at a local blues bar called The Sand Dollar Lounge in Las Vegas. We’ve performed for 3h and we were on fire that night. The crowd was amazing, enthusiastic and just kept on buying us drinks onstage. And it wasn’t embarrassing, but a weird cancer it was during a show in Colorado on Christie Huff’s tour. There was a wind storm and everything started to fell apart mid-set. We carried on and finished the songs and kept moving with the set.
Live At The Bedrock EP
Originally published on Technical Music Review. Republished with permission.

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