WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-26) released the following statement in advance of today’s House of Representatives vote on the American Health Care Act (AHCA):
“Yesterday the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released an updated assessment of the Republican bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. According to their report the proposed healthcare bill, as amended earlier this week will result in 52 million uninsured by 2026.
“Making matters worse, in the dead of night, additional changes have been made to remove the requirement of coverage for essential benefits allowing insurance companies to nickel and dime working families on very basic care. This bill is designed to line the pockets of wealthy insurance executives while hard-working people pay in terms of higher costs and less coverage.
“The Affordable Care Act was a start not a finish. The Republicans have had 7 years to develop changes. I certainly welcome constructive dialogue on how to improve care and costs for Americans but the bill currently before us does neither. I will vote no on this bill and the disastrous amendments that raid Medicaid and eliminate the guarantee of essential benefit coverage.”