For many of you, Daylight Saving Time means little more than an hour of lost sleep. For others, it’s an hour of lost playtime — or drinking, as it were. For some, it means forgetting to set the clock ahead before going to bed and missing church in the morning.
No matter which category you fit into, tonight’s the night to spring those clocks ahead by an hour. Specifically, on Sunday we go from 1:59 a.m. to 3 a.m., skipping over all those other pesky minutes in between. Most mobile phones, smart or otherwise, TVs and computers (desktops, laptops and tablets) will change automatically. Your stove, microwave and wall clocks, probably won’t. And then, of course, there’s the dreaded clock in your car.
Tonight is also a good time to change the batteries in your smoke or carbon monoxide detectors. Fire safety officials recommend changing those batteries at least once a year.