“Securing Stable Housing: Informing the Community of the Housing Hurdles that Mental Health Consumers Face and Their Available Solutions,” is open to the public and admission is free although registration is required.
The workshop topics are: “From the Hospital to Supportive Housing,” Earvetta Bizzell, Director, Corporate Compliance, Housing Options Made Easy, “Outreach and Permanent Supportive Housing Models to End Homelessness,” Nadia Pizarro, Homeless Services Program Director, Lake Shore Behavioral Health, “Issues with Termination & “Eviction, Before, During & After,” Katie Martin, Attorney, Mental Health Association of Erie County, “Reasonable Accommodations & Modifications,” Kibrett Facey, Education Specialist, Housing Opportunities Made Equal and an “Overview of Housing Programs and How They Assist People in Recovery,”
Jean Bennett, Coordinator of Housing & Homeless Services, Restoration Society. Participants will have the opportunity to receive educational handouts and information. A continental breakfast is included. Anyone interested in attending the workshop please contact Bridget McNally at the Mental Health Association at bmcnally@eriemha.org or call (716) 886-1242 Ext. 347.
The event is co-presented by Restoration Society, Inc., Housing Opportunities Made Equal, Inc., Housing Options Made Easy, Inc., and Lake Shore Behavioral Health, Inc.