Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-26) welcomed Governor Andrew Cuomo’s commitment to fund $1 million for an expedited study of potential new sites for an Amtrak station in the City of Buffalo.
“Governor Cuomo just put Buffalo on track for a transportation transformation,” said Higgins. “This is a new day in Buffalo, one where we move forward with confidence that we can not only dream big but achieve great things for Western New York. I look forward to working with the State, City and community on this effort to make smart decisions about our future.”
In September Higgins wrote to the New York State Department of Transportation, asking the state to advance funding already set aside in the 2019-20 transportation budget for a review of options to replace the existing Buffalo Exchange Street Station which is inadequate and in need of repairs. In early October the Congressman joined City of Buffalo Common Councilman David Franczyk and members of the Central Terminal Restoration Corporation for a walk-through of the Buffalo Central Terminal, one of the sites under consideration.
At their meeting on Oct. 18, the Buffalo Common Council approved a resolution introduced by Franczyk supporting “Congressman Brian Higgins’ plan to use one to two million dollars in New York State transportation funds for studying the use of the Central Terminal as the city’s new train station.”
from Congressman Brian Higgins via IFTTT