After shifting the blame to the county executive for poor road conditions on Conner Road in the Town of Clarence, the Erie County Legislature have passed a law requiring that Mark Poloncarz must personally pave all county roads.

Man At Work...

Man At Work…

The county legislature voted on the “Man at Work” law along party lines, with the Democrats in the minority.  Legislator Ed Rath the XXVII  issued the following statement:

Enough with the excuses! There are dozens of roads that require immediate service, and as we place the blame entirely at the feet of the county executive, he alone will be responsible for filling potholes, laying down asphalt and painting the lines on all county roads going forward.  Also, this law amends the county charter and grants the legislators new terms of 10 years, retroactive to any current legislator named John, Kevin, Ed, Ted, Lynne and Joe.
Also, we’ve disbanded the ethics board.

It is unknown at this time if County Executive Poloncarz will veto the law.
When questioned by the press why the county executive should do all this work alone, Rath countered:

While Mark Poloncarz would be handling the roadwork itself, the Republican caucus recognizes they have some responsibility, and we will make sure that we put up the “Road Closed For Repair” signs on the roads with the appropriate barriers.
We are quite experienced at putting up road-blocks, actually!

from The Tommunist via IFTTT