The grant was allocated through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFG), which is designed to help first responders improve their capability to respond to fires and emergencies of all types.
“Our first responders routinely risk their lives to protect us,” said Congressman Chris Collins. “The least we can do is provide them with the equipment, training, and funding they need to do their jobs. This grant funding will help create more efficient and effective first responders, and I am honored to help the Darien Volunteer Fire Department secure this vital funding.”
“This $134,443 in AFG funding will help our Department purchase new SCBA Air Packs,” said Joe Marino, Darien Volunteer Fire Department Chief. “It is crucial that our Department has these pieces of basic equipment to keep us safe as we protect the Darien community. We look forward to working with Congressman Collins in the future as he continues to work on behalf of our local volunteer fire departments.”
This federal grant will allow the Darien Volunteer Fire Department to purchase new Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Air Packs. This will provide the volunteer firefighters with breathable air whenever they are in an “immediately dangerous to life or health” atmosphere.
The AFG Program provides direct funding assistance to first-responder organizations to obtain much needed emergency response equipment, personal protective equipment, firefighting and emergency vehicles and training.
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