HUME — A 36-year-old Caneadea man was charged Monday with felony aggravated driving while intoxicated following a traffic stop on Ballard Road.

According to New York State Police, John W. Hawley was originally stopped for not wearing a seatbelt. While Troopers were interviewing him, they determined him to be intoxicated. The vehicle Hawley was operating at the time of the arrest was uninspected, and the registration of the vehicle was expired and suspended. Hawley also had an open alcoholic beverage container in the vehicle.

Hawley was taken to SP Fillmore to be processed, where he was found to have a .21 percent blood alcohol content. Hawley had also been convicted of driving while intoxicated within the previous 10 years, making his current charge a Felony.

Hawley was issued tickets and is scheduled to appear before the Town of Hume Court on Thursday.

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