PODCAST: The Big Picture for June 19, 2018
Mike talks about photography coaching scams and discusses 2020.
Everything WNY and Only WNY
Mike talks about photography coaching scams and discusses 2020.
Mike has a realization and talks a whole bunch of bitter sweet.
Mike takes a couple of Buffalo talk show hosts to task.
Mike talks respect and saturated markets.
Mike gets a crap cup of coffee and lays into the editing company, Clipping Path.
Mikes talks photo contests, and about the drug addiction issue.
It’s a brand new episode of The Big Picture with All WNY Radio’s Michael Sargent. Listen live each Tuesday at 8 p.m. If you miss it, catch the podcast shortly…
It’s a brand new episode of The Big Picture with Michael Sargent.
Michael Sargent puts the focus on the news of the day … and discusses photography while he’s at it.
Mike discusses his perspective on David Hogg, one of the poster-students of the Florida shooting and its aftermath.