Today’s national average price for a gallon of gasoline is $3.54, down three cents from last Monday. One year ago, the price was $4.81. The New York State average is $3.68, down one cent from a week ago. A year ago, the NYS average was $4.90. AAA Western and Central New York (AAA WCNY) reports the following averages:
- Batavia – $3.61 (down 4 cents from last Monday)
- Buffalo – $3.66 (down one cent from last Monday)
- Rochester – $3.71 (down one cent from last Monday)
Despite AAA’s record forecast of 43.2 million people driving 50 miles or more from home over the Independence Day weekend, an increase in demand for gasoline has not translated into higher prices at the pump. The low cost of oil remains the driving factor keeping gas prices from moving up. This morning, oil prices range from $70 to $75 per barrel. The latest data from the Energy Information Agency (EIA) shows drivers are also enjoying the benefits of an increase in the overall supply of gasoline. Pump prices are much cheaper than a year ago when motorists were paying over $4.80 on average for a gallon of regular across the country.
This morning, the national average price for diesel is $3.84, down from $5.74 a year ago. The New York average for diesel is $4.39, compared to $6.17 one year ago.