This week’s featured event is: Stamps Stands With Standing Rock: 8 p.m. Friday

In January 2016, the Dakota Access Pipeline was unanimously approved for construction, with the aim of creating a direct route to transport crude oil from the North Dakota Bakken region through South Dakota and Iowa into Illinois. The controversial pipeline could destroy ancestral burial grounds and poison the water supply for a sovereign nation — as well as millions of Americans downstream who rely on the Missouri River. In recent months, thousands from across the globe have joined in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to stop the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline. The protest has also brought together 200 or so tribes that have not united for more than 150 years. This is historic.

Our local venue Stamps The Bar has joined the cause with a benefit to help support the water protectors at Standing Rock. Any money donated will go to the main camp through Burning Books on Connecticut street. There are several people locally who go there and have friends and relatives at Standing Rock. Stamps The Bar is looking for donations of clothing and hygiene items like fishing hip waders, men’s and women’s boots, winter coats, and blankets. Local bands Cardboard Homestead, Radical Operations, Onpoint, Rap and Destroy, Don Roth, Bagel Jesus, & Jessica Helen Brant will be performing starting at 8:00 p.m. Entry fee for this event is any amount of cash or item donation. Even if you can’t make it, just contact Chuck Rose or Damon Rose for more information about how to donate towards this great cause.

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Greg Burt is a Concert Promoter/Sound Guy/Music Supporter/Keyboardist/etc. He can be reached at For the full FTMP show calendar, visit