On Saturday, April 6, 2019, Autism Services, Inc. and the Autism Society Western New York are pleased to present “ASD: Emerging Sexuality and Safety Across the Lifespan” presented by Dr. Lori Jeanne Peloquin. For over 30 years, Dr. Peloquin has treated individuals with developmental and learning disorders and their families, focusing on children, teens and young adults with Anxiety, Regulatory, Sensory Processing, Developmental and Autism Spectrum Disorders. She holds joint community faculty appointments in Psychiatry and Pediatrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Dr. Peloquin has given workshops on such themes as Sexuality and Autism, Autism and Anxiety, and How to Tell your Child about Having Autism Spectrum Disorder. She also mentors professionals in Mental Health, Occupational, Music, and Speech-Language therapies, and allied fields. She has been on the faculty of the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders since its inception and was one of the first to receive a DIR/Floortime Model Certificate from them. Her writings include articles in the Autism-Asperger’s Digest on the DIR/Floortime Model. She was recognized as Outstanding Psychologist of the Year by the Genesee Valley Psychological Association for her leadership and contributions to the community.
This workshop will provide an understanding of emerging sexuality in individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities across the lifespan, including the importance of addressing these issues long before puberty and adolescence. Dr. Peloquin will provide insight into the emotional and physical aspects of sexuality and relationships for individuals with ASD as well as important considerations for their parents and professionals who support them. Specific topics will include parent and staff concerns such as inappropriate public display, aggressive pursuit of person of interest, and possible abuse. She will address the rights of individuals to be sexual beings, gender and sexual identity issues, legal and ethical concerns, and specific challenges based on individual differences. Specific safety issues such as internet dangers, pornography, and dealing with law enforcement will also be highlighted.
This workshop is geared for individuals with ASD, parents, and professionals.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that we will be offering ASHA CEU credit through the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Western New York (SHAWNY), and New York State Education Department Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy State Board Approved Continuing Competency Hours for OTs/COTAs/PTs/PTAs through Associated Physical and Occupational Therapists, PLLC (APOT)! Both SHAWNY and APOT are co-sponsors of this workshop. Cost and CEU credits are available
Online and mail-in registration are now available at http://friendsofasi.org/asi-events/spring-2019-workshop/. Please note the change in venue for this workshop only as it will be held at Banchetti by Rizzo at 550 North French Rd., Amherst, NY.
For cost and CEU credits, call Tracy Panzarella at (716) 631-5777, ext. 328, tpanzarella@autism-services-inc.org
Originally posted by Buffalo Healthy Living Magazine . Republished with permission.
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