Wow! It’s been exactly a year since I started this website almost 300 articles in and it’s slowly (now a bit more rapidly) blossomed into a decently sized online source for underground and small label bands and artists! I started this adventure to help those different artists who don’t get the chance with bigger PR companies or sites.  I was artistically frustrated (and still am, but much better now…I think) with the bad luck in my area for dedicated musicians, but you know it happens to the best of us musicians.  This website rejuvenated me, and thanks to the billions of music email lists we’re on and bands contacting us we have discovered some awesome talents to say the least.  I started TMR on my two days off from my old job at the time, and put a lot of effort into it.  It has branched out internationally, outside of the continent of North America as well.  I have made many amazing friendships running this website and promoting all sorts of bands.  It has been one of the greatest experiences in my life, and is only going to get bigger from here on out.

I have added a few people to help with the workload, and add their opinions to the mix when they have something to get off their collective chests.  Technical Music Review is now an online empire of sorts, and we aspire to be a true online music web site that can be trusted funny and also respectable.  We DO NOT believe in drama or BS, like our counterparts MetalSucks.  We’re much better than overblowing things out of proportion and stirring the pot of BS. TMR is here to promote underground, unsigned and small label music who don’t get much light from bigger outlets.  Ironically, we are becoming a bigger (growing at a decent rate now, we have to admit) outlet as a reputable music source.  We have gained bigger and better things such as the recent Hugo interview, one Vick did with Contrarian, and even the first published interview here on TMR with Augury!  I have come up with an idea to help promote said bands by my own choosing every month (check out The Ritual Aura!).  I’ve also been given plenty of opportunity with my first stream featuring instrumental artist Infinitee and have made friends with an Indonesian record label Eastbreath Records and have helped out some of their bands (Ash PrisonINRAIN and In Asymmetry)!  Hard work goes a long way folks.


Today, I am giving back and want EVERYONE to Donate right here! Every single penny will go to the shelter, and I am not making a thing off of this I can guarantee you that right now. This will start today, and run until next Saturday February 16th to give people time to help out the 10 Lives Cat Adoption Center.  I will be taking a picture when I drop off the donations for proof.  Why am I doing this? I’m a selfless human being, who has seen the hard work of this adoption center.  They constantly are behind, don’t have enough volunteers and don’t have enough supplies.  The people here do amazing work, work hard, and don’t profit from this… they need your help.  10 Lives means a lot to me, because our cute chunky and furry ginger kitty Noodles came from there.  We love him immensely, and are so happy with the big boy.


Here is my dumb ass with said kitty, Noodles. 
Please, please help out this killer shelter who tirelessly works to help out all cats in dire need of homes.  They bring in much more, than those who pick up a cat.  I encourage you all to donate SOMETHING even if its a little, to help these poor cats.  I also would like everyone to post pictures of their precious fur babies and talk about them.  Kitty talk is always encouraged here at TMR! Let’s run this bad boy up for a week until February 16th and let’s do some serious damage for The 10 Lives club! Please share the heck out of this article so we can make this donation drive as successful as possible! Happy First Birthday Technical Music Review and lets give a better life for these cats in need!


Originally published on Technical Music Review. Republished with permission.