After a lengthy hiatus, the NFTA is offering express bus routes to Highmark Stadium for Bills home games for the 2022-2023 season. Service will kick off with the pre-season game on August 20, 2022.

The cost is $5 for a one-way trip, payable in cash or through the Token Transit app.

The transportation association notes that the express service will only stop at designated transit centers and normal bus rules apply, including current COVID-19 mask requirements.

Service to Highmark Stadium will depart from the following locations and times. Buses will stop only at designated transit centers. Buses will not stop at regular bus stops along the way.

 Route 251: Black Rock Riverside Transit Hub with stop at Athol Springs Park and Ride

 Route 252: University Station (Bus Loop) with stop at Thruway Mall Transit Center

 Route 253: Metropolitan Transportation Center with stop at McKinley Mall

 Route 254: Eastern Hills Mall (Pick up / drop off near JC Penney)