Kenmore residents are invited to sign up for the Kenmore community-wide garage sale. Over 100 people in Kenmore sign up each year to join in the fun of having a sale at their home. Those who sign up are included on the printed and online map of all the sales happening that day.
The Gigantic Kenmore Garage Sale will take place on Saturday July 13 from 9 am-3 pm. The Kenmore Village Improvement Society (KVIS) advertises the sale extensively throughout WNY and southern Ontario to help bring as many people out to the sales as possible. Sign up forms are available on the KVIS website at or facebook page at There is a five dollar fee to sign up which is used to help defray the costs of placing the advertisements and printing of the maps.
The KVIS arranges for a truck to be at the Village Green the afternoon of the sale for those who participate to bring their unwanted, unsold items should they wish to do so.
The Kenmore Village Improvement Society started the Gigantic Kenmore Garage Sale in response to the amount of reusable trash that sometimes finds its way to the curb for pick up. This trash is taken several miles from Kenmore to the Niagara Falls landfill. The Gigantic Kenmore Garage Sale helps residents to make some money from their unwanted items and simplify their living, while it helps keep those items from the landfill. It gives area residents the opportunity to shop for low cost treasures in a small geographic area, saving on time and gas. It enables Goodwill of WNY to collect and resell the leftover unwanted items for programs designed to help those in need right here in our neck of the woods.
For more information on KVIS, call President Melissa Foster at 877-0477 or 418-4550 or visit the website at, the Facebook page at or email