Perhaps I am dating myself, but then again who cares. Yeah, I can say it. I am getting old, once again who cares. Whats most important is us old dogs learn new tricks, and I can say that I never stop learning. This week I learned some new terminology and how it relates to photography. So let me lay this out. I was photographing a wedding and I was setting up the bride and her maids for a shot. One of the girls spoke up and said “Hey, we should do our bitch faces”. That prompted the question hugh, what is a bitch face. I learned quickly what a bitch face was, and then I had another lesson. Resting bitch face. I was amused by the looks on these ladies faces. Then I learned what dabbing was. That is another story. 

My point of all this. Well back in my day when I was in high school, you were considered a nerd or a geek if you were in the schools band or played a musical instrument. Not anymore, and I think that’s awesome. In fact I think some of us were idiots when people were labeled. From personal experience, I wrestled in high school and although I was not a star, I was big enough and strong enough to throw down on the mat. Funny thing was here was a wrestler, who could play the violin or as I like to call it, the fiddle. I wasn’t really good at that either. Now to bring up the cool. I happen to be very lucky to live in a district, were our local High School, Medina High School happen to be home to the highly decorated Mustang Marching Band. They have a long track record of championships across the country for outstanding performance. The kids are dedicated to being the best, and my personal opinion is they deserve every win they get. They are incredible.

I recently had the change to photograph one of the band members and we decided to do some back lighting portraits. I wanted bad ass and thanks to Emily I received just that. Ladies and Gentleman I am proud to present the beautiful, and talented Medina Mustang Marching Band member, Miss Emily Green.

So tell me again that people in school bands are geeks. Anyone who still thinks that, well here is your punch in the face of reality. ROCK ON EMILY, MUSTANG MARCHING BAND, and MEDINA, NY.

Once again I want to thank Patti and David, for allowing me to do this, and a big shout, out and thank you to Emily. You were an incredible model and subject to photograph.


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