BUFFALO — Buffalo State Class of 1966 alumni Dr. David Dror will be recognized when he receives the Buffalo State Alumni Association’s Distinguished Alumnus Award before his lecture on at 6 p.m. Sept. 22.
Dror’s lecture, “From Buffalo to Bihar, India: How Education in the Richest Country Has Prepared Me to Work in One of the Poorest,” as well as the post-event reception, will take place in Ciminelli Recital Hall. The Buffalo State campus community including alumni is invited to attend.
Dror is an acclaimed international expert in micro insurance, widely recognized for his research on ways to make health insurance suit the needs of the poor. As the founder and managing director of the Micro Insurance Academy (MIA) in New Delhi, India, he has helped provide more than 300,000 people in countries in Africa and Asia.
He has published several books and more than 60 articles in refereed journals, is a frequent speaker at international conferences, and is the recipient of many honors and awards.
The event is free to attend. RSVP deadline is 5 p.m. Sept. 21.
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