Buffalo State women’s basketball presents its second annual Girls and Boys Basketball Camp from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 11-14, open to all girls and boys ages 6-17.
CLICK HERE for registration brochure.
The camp will focus on fundamental skills such as; shooting, dribbling, defense, passing, footwork and rebounding. There will be individual and team competition and special awards.
The cost is $140 per camper with early bird registration available at $120 if received prior to June 1. There is also a sibling discount available. If two or more children register from one family, it is $115 each camper. Early drop offs and late pick-up’s. Additional $10 for each one. Walk – up registration is allowed.
Make checks/money orders payable to: Buffalo State College Foundation Attn: Buffalo State College
Kevin Clifford – Women’s Basketball – Houston Gym
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14222
Questions should be directed to Coach Clifford at 716-878-3587 or by email to