AMHERST — Amherst Conservative party met Wednesday evening to interview and endorse candidates who represent Conservative values for the Nov. 2017 election.

The committee endorsed by secret ballot:

  • Town Supervisor: Marjory Jaeger
  • Town Council: Bill Kindel
  • Town Council: Erin Baker Langworthy
  • Amherst Town Justice: Kara Buscaglia

County Legislatures Edward Rath III representing the 6th district and Tom Loughran representing the 5th district came before the committee to thank them for their past support and request the committees continued support.

Rath was endorsed along with Guy Marlette. Loughran was not.

If you would like to learn more, get involved or attend the committee’s next meeting, email

Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.

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