HARRISONBURG, Va. — Naomi Scoville graduated summa cum laude from Eastern Mennonite University with a Bachelor of Arts in English, Writing Studies on April 30, 2017.

Dr. Howard Zehr, distinguished professor of restorative justice, gave the commencement address and marked the occasion with a special mention of EMU’s first graduate in the master’s in restorative justice program, the first program of its kind in North America. Preceding Zehr’s address, reflections were brought by undergraduates Hannah Daley and Diego Barahona, voted to the honor by their peers; Melinda Bear, RN-BSN adult degree completion program; and John Lubkowski, from the MBA program.

A leader among faith-based, liberal arts universities since 1917, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) emphasizes peacebuilding, sustainability, service to others, and social justice to students of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. On the main campus in Harrisonburg, VA; at the Lancaster, PA campus; and online, EMU educates undergraduate, graduate, professional and seminary students to serve and lead in a global context. The EMU experience challenges students to pursue their life calling through scholarly inquiry, artistic creation, guided practice, and life-changing cross-cultural encounter.