By James Tricoli
The numbers in the Buffalo News today show us which Amherst candidates have the most money in their war chest. This money might give a candidate a better chance of getting their ideas out to the public by allowing them to send out more flyers, but it might be better for candidates to hold events at a moderate price so more citizens can come and meet them and ask questions on what their stand is on issues facing our town.
The Democrats have taken the high road. The bought excellent walking shoes. I know they are taking the personal route going door to door with a smile and willingness to answer questions people have about Amherst. Some of my friends have told me about two of the Democratic candidates in Amherst who have helped individuals move their trash to the sidewalk and even carried food packages to their house.
Mr. Kulpa, the Democratic candidate for Amherst Town Supervisor, is the coach for his son’s baseball team. Kulpa is a family man and finds time to be there for his children.
As a journalist, I attend many events. This past week I heard Mr. Freedman talk on the Foil Act and the Open Meeting Act. One of the lessons I took away from listening to Jefferey Freedman’s talk was that the most important qualities a candidate must possess are honesty and integrity. Citizens can quickly detect this when they meet candidates face to face.
If a flyer comes to your home and says nothing about meeting the people they plan to represent, the best place to put that flyer is in the trash!
This November, when you go vote, remember how much the candidates spent to buy your vote. If you vote the party line don’t complain about what you wanted to be done in Amherst. Blame yourself for not knowing all of the candidates. Take some time before the election and make it a point to try to meet each candidate.
Bragging about how much money they have, and how little their opponents have, is the same as saying I can buy your vote! There is an old saying, “Money is the root of all evil.” In truth, money isn’t the root of all evil but the love of dirty money is.
The way the world is today we have to take care little piece of earth we know as Amherst. We can’t sell it out to developers and money hungry candidates. Please vote for candidates who love Amherst not money.
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.