Time & Place:
Amherst Middle School, 55 Kings Highway, Amherst, NY.
Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 7 p.m
Contributions encouraged but Admission Free!
Conductor Paul Ferington
Glazunov – “Autumn” from The Seasons, Op. 67
Dvorak – In Nature’s Realm, Op. 91
*Bellini – “Ah, non credea mirati” from La Sonnambula
*Lehar “Vilia” from The Merry Widow Sydney Anderson, soprano
Vaughn Williams -Serenade to Music (1938)
Vaughn Williams -Toward the Unknown Region (1906)
Mascagni – “Regina Coeli” from Cavalleria Rusticana
Sydney Anderson, soprano
Buffalo Master Chorale
Amherst Central High School Concert Chorale

Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.

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