NORTH TONAWANDA — Niagara County Clerk Joseph A. Jastrzemski is urging motorists to consider visiting the Lockport or Niagara Falls Department of Motor Vehicles offices due to a major outage in the state computer system utilized at the North Tonawanda DMV.
The North Tonawanda DMV remains open and able to process limited transactions; however, any documents requiring photographic or scanned images cannot be processed at this time.
The North Tonawanda DMV is located at 500 Wheatfield St. The Lockport DMV is located at 111 Main St. The Niagara Falls DMV is located at the Trott Access Center, 1001 Eleventh St.
“We have been advised by New York State that this outage may continue through tomorrow. Our staff is working diligently to restore these services,” Jastrzemski said. “In the meantime, registrations can be renewed in NT, but any customers looking to process transactions involving licenses and other services are strongly encouraged to visit our Lockport or Falls locations.”
Additional information will follow.