NEW YORK – Today, a federal judge granted Attorney General Schneiderman and his fellow Attorneys General’s motion for a preliminary injunction to block President Trump’s rescission of DACA. Attorney General Schneiderman leads the coalition of 17 AGs that sued in September 2017 to defend DACA and protect DREAMers. The court heard arguments on Attorney General Schneiderman’s motion for preliminary injunction on January 30th, 2018.
Attorney General Schneiderman released the following statement:
“Federal courts from coast to coast have now reviewed the record and reached the same conclusion: President Trump’s decision to rescind DACA was illegal.
Today’s federal court ruling is a victory for the over 42,000 New York Dreamers and more than 700,000 Dreamers across the country. There is much more work ahead to permanently preserve DACA and protect the millions of American families, businesses, hospitals, and universities that depend on Dreamers every day to succeed, but today is an important step forward in that fight.
Today’s ruling reflects not only the illegality of the Trump Administration’s move to rescind DACA, but also the clear and demonstrable benefits DACA provides to New Yorkers across our great state.
I am proud to lead a coalition of 17 state attorneys general who have been fighting in court since September to protect Dreamers and preserve this vital program.
We are pleased the Court ordered the Department of Homeland Security to restore DACA under the same conditions set forth by a federal court in California. We are also pleased that the Court made clear that United States Attorney General Sessions was wrong when he claimed DACA was illegal and that the DOJ was wrong to claim that any court has deemed DACA unconstitutional.
DACA is a critical program that benefits states across the country and we look forward to continuing the fight moving forward.”
Click here to read the decision from Judge Nicholas Garaufis, U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of New York.