NIAGARA FALLS—With concerns about student and workplace safety heightened by recent mass shootings, a Niagara County lawmaker is among those organizing a presentation on active shooters at a Niagara Falls school next week.
Legislator Owen T. Steed, D-Niagara Falls, is a key organizer of “Active Shooters: What You Need to Know,” set for 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Harry F. Abate Elementary School, 1625 Lockport St., Niagara Falls.
The session is also being sponsored by the Niagara Falls Police Department, the Niagara Falls Board of Education, and School Superintendent Mark Laurie.
Steed explained the concerns driving the presentation: “We all have watched the horrible images on the news, and people want to know what to do if it’s them or their kids in an awful situation like the shooting in Parkland, Fla. We’re looking at not just schools, but churches, theaters, workplaces—all of which have, sadly, been the site of mass shootings.”
Steed noted that the session would focus on the best ways to survive in an active shooter situation.
“This program is about how to increase your chances of living through a nightmare,” Steed said.