Æpoch band photo #1_preview
Awakening Inception (feat. Enrico Di Lorenzo of Hideous Divinity)

Remember Tabula Rasa? Well, the title track of Æpoch’s upcoming debut full length is as crazy as the first song.  The band has an unlimited amount of potential.  Now lets remember this band is very new……they have perfectly crafted their own sound to the point it’s like they have been around for a few decades already.  On top of their matured songwriting, they tapped Hideous Divinity’s vocalist to make a guest appearance on the track as well.

 Æpoch Fretless Bassist/Vocalist Brett MacIntosh has this to say about the band’s debut album:
“This album is a large step forward for us, although most of the songs were started during the time of writing our ‘Æpochalypse’ EP (2015 release) as well, we have had more time to refine them. We are completely satisfied with this effort and hope the fans will enjoy what we have to offer. Awakening Inception as a whole is very dark. There’s no single concept to it, but it is generally anti-human in focus. Touching on topics such as misanthropy in” Burn Them At The Stakes”, to night terrors/sleep paralysis in “Awakening Inception”, to space and science to mental illness in “Delirium Of Negation”. “Serenity Of Non-Existence” is even about an out of body experience I had when I was younger.”
This album is slating up to be one of the most unheard of releases of the year…..and extremely shattering. It’s very tough to build up attention and gain the respect of your peers as a musician especially in such an unusual and artistic genre.  I fully believe Æpoch will turn heads and kick ass with their debut album that will be out in a few weeks on April 13th.  One thing is for sure…….the band has made their mark with a very impressive debut full length.  Let’s hope the rest of the world sees this in the same light.

Pre order “Awakening Inception” now!

Originally published on Technical Music Review. Republished with permission.