PURCHASE — State University of New York (SUNY) Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson presented awards to 249 students across the university system on April 5 at the Empire State Plaza in Albany.
Hayley Restivo, a literature and music major from Jamestown, was among three Purchase College graduating seniors to receive the prestigious 2017 Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence.

The award recognizes students who have best demonstrated the integration of academic excellence with accomplishments in the areas of leadership, athletics, community service, creative and performing arts, campus involvement, or career achievement.

“I am immensely proud of these students, who have demonstrated academic excellence and dedication to enriching their campuses and communities,” said Chancellor Johnson. “From research publications in industry journals to volunteering in hospitals and local clinics to holding leadership roles at their institutions, I am inspired by each student we recognize today. Congratulations to all of the students receiving this year’s award.”

Each year, SUNY campus presidents establish a selection committee that reviews the accomplishments of exemplary students. Nominees are forwarded to the Chancellor’s Office for a second round of review. Finalists are then recommended to the Chancellor to become recipients of the award.

Hayley Restivo will graduate with a Bachelor’s in Literature and a Bachelor’s in Music Composition. She has excelled academically with a 3.94 GPA, and is a multi-talented student athlete who has been a leader and conscientious contributor to Purchase College for the past four years. Hayley has been recognized with several athletic awards including Rookie of the Year in swimming, the Coach’s Award for cross country, and the Scholar/ Athlete Award. Her music major is manifest in her two albums and forthcoming third.

Purchase College President Thomas J. Schwarz said, “We congratulate Hayley and her fellow honorees on receiving this prestigious award, which is the highest student recognition in the statewide university system. We have no doubt that she will continue to make us proud of her accomplishments in the years to come, and wish her well in her endeavors.”

Purchase College, part of the State University of New York (SUNY) network of 64 universities and colleges, was founded in 1967 by Governor Nelson Rockefeller. His aspiration for Purchase was to create a dynamic campus that combined conservatory training in the visual and performing arts with programs in the liberal arts and sciences, in order to inspire an appreciation for both intellectual and artistic talents in all students. Today, Purchase College-SUNY is a community of students, faculty, and friends where open-minded engagement with the creative process leads to a lifetime of intellectual growth and professional opportunity. For more information about the College, visit

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