There was an excellent article in the Buffalo News about Amherst having another assessment of the entire town in 2020. Amherst had a full assessment in 2017.
The reasons the Buffalo News listed for the next assessment were valid but they were not the real reasons for a new assessment coming so soon after the last one in 2017.
The main reason was simply that Amherst is in deep finical trouble because of the reckless way money was “handed out” to developers through tax breaks. The past most recent Amherst Town Board, Planning Board and ZBA “gave away the store” to developers.
None of the members of these three groups ever said no or voted no to the demands of the developers or individuals who supported their campaigns. Many of these developers directed companies to steer business to members of these important town boards.
The 2017 assessment was the beginning of filling the money gaps left by the last eight (8) years of the three (3) boards. They sucked millions from taxpayers pockets.
Originally published on Amherst Times. Republished with permission.