ALBANY — Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the New York State Board of Elections encourages voters to vote by absentee ballot for all elections taking place on June 23, 2020. Another way for voters to avoid crowds and assist in social distancing is to take advantage of nine days of early voting from June 13 – 21 ahead of Election Day.
All voters eligible to participate in the June 23 elections have been mailed an absentee ballot application with return paid postage. For voters concerned about exposure to COVID-19 they should select “temporary illness or physical disability” as the reason for requesting the absentee ballot. Your completed absentee ballot application must be returned to your local County Board of Elections as soon as possible. ( It must be received by the local board of elections postmarked no later than June 16, 2020 if the voter wants to receive their ballot by mail.For the elections on June 23, voters may also email, fax or call their county board of elections to request an absentee ballot without the use of the application. They need to provide their name and address. After a request has been processed by the local Board of Elections, the voter will be sent the appropriate absentee ballot(s). The last day to return a ballot by mail is postmarked June 22, 2020, provided that it is received by the applicable County or City Board of Elections by June 30, 2020. If returned personally, it must be received by the board of elections before 9 pm on June 23, 2020. Poll sites will be open everywhere from 6AM to 9PM on June 23rd.
If someone would like to work as a poll worker please complete a form here: For more information on registering to vote in New York State, visit our website: Due to the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, please go to our website for any election related updates.