WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-26) announced approval in the House of Representatives of a legislative package providing funding for Defense, Labor, Health & Education Programs for federal fiscal year 2019, which begins October 1, 2018. The bill, H.R. 6157, also includes a continuing resolution, funding the federal government through December 7, 2018.
“Despite threats by the Administration to cut vital programs or shutdown the government, our democracy gives representatives of the people a voice in the budgetary process and Congress is acting to support the public’s priorities including funding medical research, education and job training,” said Congressman Higgins.
Elements of the bill significant to Western New York are detailed below.
Department of Defense
· Increases military pay by 2.6%, the amount requested
· $34.4 billion for Defense Health programs – $400 million below the FY 2018 enacted level but $400 million above the President’s budget request. This includes $1.47 billion for congressionally directed medical research programs including:
o $374 million for cancer research,
o $125 million for traumatic brain injury and psychological health research,
o $130 million for breast cancer research,
o $100 million for prostate cancer research; and
o $50 million for the Joint Warfighter Medical Research program for battlefield medical needs
Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Agencies:
· $39.1 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), $2 billion over FY 2018
· $5.6 billion for Community Health Centers, $200 million more than FY 2018
· $150 million for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics, $50 million over FY 2018
· $4.4 billion for programs to respond to the opioid crisis, including prevention, treatment, surveillance, research to develop non-opioid pain medication, behavioral health workforce training, and support for children and families
· $1.9 billion for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Substance Abuse Block Grant, level with FY 2018
· $1.5 billion for SAMHSA’s State Opioid Response Grants, $500 million over FY 2018
· $5.3 billion for the Child Care and Development Block Grant, $50 million more than FY 2018 enacted level
· $10 billion for Head Start, $200 million more than FY 2018
· $15.9 billion for Title I Grants to School Districts, $100 million more than FY 2018
· $12.4 billion for Special Education Part B State Grants (IDEA), $87 million over FY 2018
· $1.3 billion for Career and Technical Education, $70 million more than FY 2018
Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities:
· $3.7 billion for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), $50 million more than FY 2018
· $907 million for Senior Nutrition programs, $10 million more than FY 2018
· $12.9 billion for the Social Security Administration’s operating budget, which will enable an increase in funding for SSA’s operating expenses in comparison to the FY 2018 enacted level
Labor and Workforce Training:
· $300 million for Veterans Employment and Training, $5 million more than FY 2018
· $1.1 billion for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), $19 million over FY 2018 level
· $89.5 million for YouthBuild, an almost $6 million increase from FY2018
· $1.6 billion for worker protection agencies at the Department of Labor (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Wage and Hour Division, and others), $7.5 million more than the FY 2018 enacted level
· $274 million for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), level with FY 2018
· $2.8 billion for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Grants to States, stable with FY 2018
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