Yeah, there’s a TON of hot bands from these areas and I’m gonna hook you n00bs up. And verbally blowing these areas, so to speak. There’s so many good unheard of bands between Colorado, Missouri, Washington and random countries like Indonesia. Let’s fuck shit up and hopefully some of you haven’t heard of these bands and dig them!
Dischordia- A death metal band that isn’t afraid to experiment. Coming out of Oklahoma (maybe southwest or southern america? close enough I guess?) I’ve been obsessed with this band since I heard their latest wild 2 song ep Binge/Purge. All sorts of weird shit beside lots of dissonance and rhythms. There’s some ukulele flute marimba and all kinds of random shit on this killer EP. They’ve only progressed to greater things with every release….don’t sleep on these dudes.
Aethereus- Some sweet, sweet ass tech death with prog moments from Tacoma Washington. Another ridiculous band that the modern day metal hotspot Artisan Era record label has recently signed. They aren’t totally over the top tech like Brain Dill or the short lived legendary cult tech perfectionists Necrophagist, but blend their sound so smoothly and perfectly. Great vocals, guitar work and intense drumming will keep you busy for years. Hail Aethereus!
Ahtme- My brothers from Kansas City put on a lights out performance in September with Micawber and Lago in Niagara Falls at STAMPS. Their album “Sewerborn” has been on constant repeat for me. The band present a great mix of technical death metal and the groovy side of death metal that keep you foaming at the mouth. They have another album through the original band name “A Roman Holiday” but changed their name in their new journey as Ahtme so technically Sewerborn is their debut album. I hope you guys love this band as much as I do. I got a chance to talk with the guys after their set that night…..they’re even cooler and down to earth. Support this great band!
My personal favorite AHTME rager….great grooves, some technicality….Brent’s voice is awesome on this track.
Sunless- If it wasn’t for the previously mentioned Dischordia who talked about these guys, I wouldn’t have known about these lads from Minnesota. Sunless brings the heavy with extra dissonance, like Gorguts crazy. Many cool ass rhythms bring this band to life. They are also recent members of Willowtip Records one of the solid record labels out there! Horns up for SUNLESS!
Decrescent- A killer tech death release from this year from Milwaukee’s finest (quite possibly) was such a great surprise. As a guitarist I was naturally drawn to that part of the band. The vocals stuck with me, shortly thereafter. They’re a great project to write down and keep an ear open for….Blackened Bequest is a great album and hell of a debut. Feast your ears on this one tech trekkers!
Vale of Pnath- A killer, killer tech/progressive death metal band from Colorado slays. Vance Venezuela has gone through many lineups but has put out some of the most underrated music in the genre(s). Enjoy this killer band and Vance’s wild shred, it’s one hell of a ride so hold on for dear life!
My favorite Vale of Pnath track….fuck yeah BLACKER THAN!
Now for a few bands from Indonesia…..yeah that’s right. They really throw the fuck down! Here’s a few bands that will kick your ass.
Neptunus- For you overdone tech lovers that love Brain Drill with a bit of Rings of Saturn and Necrophagist this is for you sick fucks. Over the top, heavy, and wild technical death metal to the CORE…seriously. Dive right into this fucker right NOW. Product of the great Indonesian extreme label Eastbreath Records!
Wormrot- Okay, they’re from Singapore but they’re pretty close to Indonesia….so I guess it counts? If you like disgusting, heavy and energetic grind core this under appreciated band should get your attention. They can groove the fuck out, and then explode out of nowhere into an obnoxious realm. They’re very, very awesome. I have a soft spot for grind core with their heavy ass and fun quick songs….if you can’t appreciate a good grind core quickie then WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE?
Cadaver- A disgusting tech death band with death metal roots from the same label as Neptunus brings the heat big time. Some great grooves, addicting vocals and sweet drumming keep me locked in with this band at least. These guys have a great future! Check this wild band out!
Okay, now that I’ve verbally wanked off these bands go check them out and their regions! Canada is churning out some great technical and progressive death metal too. If there’s any other great bands from these areas as well don’t forget to mention them. I figured I had to write a piece on these killer bands that more people should be familiar with. Stay Tech my freaks!
Originally published on Technical Music Review. Republished with permission.