BUFFALO POLICE DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCES fourteen gun arrests occurred from October 28 November 3 with a total of five guns recovered.

Emmanuel Bell, 25, of Buffalo was arrested at W Tupper Street and S Elmwood Avenue. A loaded Polymer 80 ghost gun was recovered. The District Attorney’s office requested remand, the Honorable Judge Rebecca Town remanded the defendant.

Two 17-year-old males; Mikee Jones, 18; and Toschan King, 48; all of Buffalo were arrested on the 400 block of Winslow Avenue. A loaded SCCY CPX-2 9mm semi-automatic pistol was recovered. King has three prior felony convctions. The District Attorney’s office requested remand for all four defendants. The Honorable Judge Brenda Freedman of Youth Part released both 17-year-old males under the supervision of probation. The Honorable Judge Rebecca Town remanded King and imposed $75,000 A-E or release under the supervision of probation for Jones.

Jamieanne Tirko, 28; Amandalee Vanvolkenburg, 31; and Michael Warren, 46; all of Buffalo were arrested in connection with a shots fired on the 100 block of Gold Street. A loaded Ruger EC9S was recovered. The District Attorney’s office requested remand for all three defendants. The Honorable Judge Rebecca Town imposed $5,000 A-E for Warren and $50,000 A-E for Tirko and Vanvolkenburg. Tirko and Vanvolkenburg were released.

A 17-year-old Buffalo male was arrested on the 300 block of Langfield Avenue. A Freedom Wolf ghost gun with a switch attached allowing the gun to fire fully automatic, a loaded magazine with 11 rounds, and a loaded extended magazine with 30 rounds were recovered. The District Attorney’s office requested remand at the initial arraignment before the Honorable Judge Rebecca Town acting as accessible magistrate. The Honorable Judge Town remanded the defendant. The District Attorney’s office requested remand at the 17-year-old male’s first appearance in Youth Part, the Honorable Judge Brenda Freedman modified bail to $5,000 A, B, or E.

Three 16-year-old males, a 17-year-old female, and Amere Brock, 21, of Buffalo were arrested on the 800 block of Humboldt Parkway. A loaded Glock 23 was recovered. The District Attorney’s office requested remand for the four youth defendants at their initial arraignments before the Honorable Judge Rebecca Town acting as accessible magistrate. The Honorable Judge Town remanded all four defendants. The District Attorney’s office requested remand for the four youth defendants at their first appearances in Youth Part, the Honorable Judge Brenda Freedman remanded all four defendants. The District Attorney’s office requested remand for Brock, the Honorable Judge Peter Savage remanded Brock.

The only authorized forms of bail are the following: (a) Cash bail, (b) An insurance company bail bond, (c) A secured surety bond, (d) A secured appearance bond, (e) A partially secured surety bond, (f) A partially secured appearance bond, (g) An unsecured surety bond, (h) An unsecured appearance bond, and (i) Credit card or similar device.

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