This week brings us several new releases, all of extremely high quality! Pardon me for not writing 500 words for each review, but there are only so many ways to say “go listen to this album” or “I hated this” (I didn’t hate any of these at all).

Nuclear Tomb – Terror Labyrinthian (Everlasting Spew Records)
Favorite tracks: Terror LabyrinthianManufacturing ConsentBorn Into Torment (Live A Lie)

First up today is Nuclear Tomb. This band has been around in the DC/Baltimore scene for years. I’ve shared a stage with them in a couple iterations of my old bands, and Nuclear Tomb has truly grown into one of the most interesting bands in their style. It makes me incredibly happy to see a band full of wonderful human beings finally getting recognized by a label who I’ve looked to for years for incredible metal releases. I wish them incredible success in the future.

Taking a lot of influence from weirdo thrash legends Voivod and the masterful Coroner, Nuclear Tomb give us a refreshing take on progressive death-influenced thrash metal. And they don’t borrow from what most consider to be “progressive death”, such as BTBAM and Cynic, but lean more into the style played by Death on ‘The Sound of Perserverance’ or the aforementioned Coroner’s wonky riffage. Led by vocalist/guitarist Mike Brown, this band has not stopped progressing and changing over the years – eventually (maybe inevitably) reaching this sound: a warping vortex of progressive death metal, constantly enveloped by an informed ferocity that can only be achieved through absolute dedication to fucking sick riffs.

Nuclear Tomb’s ‘Terror Labyrinthian’ is an instant classic for me. Although, I have waited most of a decade to hear a full length from this band.

Buy it here:

Antichrist Siege Machine – Vengeance of Eternal Fire (Profound Lore Records)
Favorite tracks: Piled SwineCowering LambLysergic War Psychosis

Richmond’s finest war metal act is back with an album in full insane-o mode. Every song is pummeling, every riff perfectly calculated to make you want to get a flail and start swinging. This album creates a storm inside of me with every listen. Antichrist Siege Machine is truly one of the modern greats in this style.

‘Purifying Blade’ left so many of us wondering why other bands don’t sound so fucking evil anymore. That album left a wide mark on our scene, and ‘Vengeance’ is here to show us that this duo isn’t done yet. This album makes me want to bathe in the blood of my enemies and share in the spoils of a land conquered through absolute destruction.

Buy it here:

Atrae Bilis – Aumicide (20 Buck Spin)
Favorite tracks: Inward To AbraxasKingdom of CortisolThrough the Hologram’s Cervix

One of these motherfuckers discovered that a tremolo effect on death metal guitars sounds awesome as shit. And I’m VERY glad they did that.

From head-bobbing groovy riffs to sections that make you rub your chin and go “oh, hmm, yes, I see”, Atrae Bilis’ latest record is one of the most interesting things to come across my desk in some time. Their last effort ‘Apexapien’ left me wanting more, but it never solidified itself as a staple in any of my later listening. From the moment I opened the email with ‘Aumicide’, I have not been able to put this down for more than a day.

This band has found a rare combination of smart dissonance and extremely fucking heavy riffs that immediately give me a stank face. I cannot recommend this album to enough people. It’s smart, intricate death metal for true connoisseurs of the genre. I hope this album will get enough traction that other bands will take a listen and go “yeah, we need to get our shit together.”

Atrae Bilis’ ‘Aumicide’ is incredibly memorable in a year already filled to the brim with incredible releases.

Buy it here:

Maere – … And The Universe Keeps Silent

Favorite tracks: Traumlande (Ascending The Abyss, Think Of Me As Fire

For all of the uptempo energy on the rest of this list, Maere brings us balance. Depressing dissonance, raw depression, and a seeming hatred for reality are what make up the sonic structure of this record. ‘…And The Universe Keeps Silent’ is another wonderful release from this band, composed of some ex- members of Ingurgitating Oblivion (and another person, though they conceal their identities).

The first time I listened to this, I was at the gym. Awful timing. I sat there in between sets just contemplating my vengeance on the world. Wondering if the void would swallow us whole one day. Hoping that it might.

And you know what? That seems to be exactly what this album wants of us. Take an edible, black out your room, put some headphones on, and fire this one up. You won’t regret falling into this pit of hatred.

I highly recommend this album to all of my dissodeath freaks out there. You all deserve more Colin Marston mixes, and this one is no exception.

Buy it here:

Thanks for reading, everyone. Hopefully you all enjoy these sick albums as much as I did!