Last week, Governor Hochul announced that Niagara County will receive $3.2M for the Niagara County Business Park in the Town of Cambria under the Focused Attraction of Shovel-Ready Tracts New York (FAST NY) grant program. First announced in February 2022, FAST NY is designed to prepare and develop sites across the state to jumpstart New York’s shovel-readiness and increase its attractiveness to large employers and high-tech manufacturing companies.
Niagara County Legislature Chairman Becky Wydysh said “The lack of shovel-ready sites in Niagara County – and really, all of Western New York – was one of our driving forces behind the plan to develop the Niagara County Business Park. The fact is, we just lack sites to compete for big projects. And that means we need to do something about it.
“The business park is no small undertaking, but we continue to meet with officials at all levels of government and seek grants from different sources so we can fund the capital infrastructure necessary to bring the park to fruition. The state’s commitment of FAST NY funds is a major boost to that effort.”
According to the Governor’s announcement, the funds will allow for site preparations and infrastructure improvements including electric, gas, water and sewer extensions. The project includes extending a 13.2kV electric line to this 60-acre campus, as well as launching planning and engineering for tapping into a nearby 115kV power line. The site is in close proximity to significant power lines, access to low-cost NYPA hydropower and access to substantial capacity of water and sewer. The infrastructure upgrade supported by FAST NY will position this site as an ideal location for advanced manufacturing. The site features proximity to highways and access to major US and Canadian markets.
The Governor’s full press release can be read here: https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-hochul-awards-more-45-million-fast-ny-grants-transform-seven-commercial-sites.