On October 04, 2023 at 11:30pm Fredonia Troopers on patrol arrested Thomas E. Naslund, 39, of Rock Spring, Georgia for Driving While Intoxicated.
While on patrol, Troopers observed a vehicle that failed to dim their headlights while traveling on Route 5 in the town of Portland. During the investigation, Troopers noticed signs of impairment that included droopy eyelids, slurred speech, a strong odor of beverage alcohol emanating from the vehicle and the failure of standardized field sobriety tests at the scene. Naslund was arrested and transported to SP Fredonia, where a chemical breath test revealed him to have a .08% BAC.
Naslund was fingerprinted, processed and released to a sober third party with an appearance ticket for the town of Portland court for later this month.