The worlds most sincere pumpkin patch can be found in the Village of Kenmore. The patch, which has been created by the members of the Kenmore Village Improvement Society (KVIS) is made of painted wood pumpkins in all shapes and sizes.
The Kenmore pumpkin patch is perhaps the most sincere in the world because it is made for the altruistic purpose of giving joy and delight to those passing or stopping by. The patch is open throughout the month of October and is a great place to take seasonal photos. The pumpkin patch is located at the Kenmore Village Green, at the point of Delaware Avenue and Delaware Road at the Municipal Building, 2919 Delaware Avenue, Kenmore 14217.

KVIS President, Melissa Foster said, “Members artfully and carefully drew and cut out the shape of each pumpkin then painted them and attached them to stakes. There are over three dozen pumpkins of all sizes and varied colors, there are even some stacked pumpkins. We hope that the display we’ve created will be a welcome and pleasing reminder of the beauty of Autumn season.”
The KVIS is a group of volunteers celebrating 15 years of loving up on the community. We strive to help make our neck of the woods as good as possible in as many ways as needed. Membership to the KVIS is free and open to all people living anywhere who care about Kenmore. For more information, please contact KVIS President Melissa Foster at mail@villageofkenmore.com.