BUFFALO — Mayor Byron W. Brown issued a reminder today that weekly curbside food scraps recycling collection begins in two Buffalo neighborhoods this week. As part of a new curbside residential food scrap collection pilot program called, Scrap it!
Curbside, participating households with a regularly scheduled garbage pickup day of Wednesday are being asked to put their brown totes containing food scraps curbside on Wednesday, September 13th. Participating households with a regularly scheduled garbage pickup day of Friday are being asked to put their brown totes containing food scraps curbside on Friday, September 15th. Farmer Pirates Compost will pick up the food scraps on those days and transfer the food scraps to their compost site at 0 Gittere Street in Buffalo.
Scrap It! Curbside is part of Mayor Brown’s continued effort to expand the City’s food scrap recycling initiative. As part of the first phase of this pilot program, the city is providing up to 2,000 City of Buffalo households in neighborhoods citywide with brown food scrap totes, information on what can and can’t be recycled, and compostable liners. To learn more about the program, or to register, go to:
https://buffalorecycles.org/scrap-it-curbside https://www.farmerpirates.com/scrapitcurbside
Food scraps recycling collection will continue the following week on the regularly scheduled garbage pickup day for other participating households.
Scrap It! Curbside is the next phase of Scrap It! Buffalo, launched in 2018 by Mayor Brown, which enabled City residents to drop off their household food scraps for composting at 4 permanent collection locations, operated under a separate contract with Natural Upcycling. Residents are still able to utilize those sites, which are listed below.
- Massachusetts Avenue Project / 387 Massachusetts Ave
- Dog Ears Bookstore / 688 Abbott Rd
- Eugene V. Debs Hall / 483 Peckham St
- Corner of Elmwood & St. James Place
For more information on Scrap It! Curbside, including acceptable food scrap items and how to participate, scan the QR code, or go to https://buffalorecycles.org/scrap-it-curbside.